Hiding on the mountain of Transcendence
Sophie Teubert Sophie Teubert

Hiding on the mountain of Transcendence

Why directly addressing reality is safer and more fruitful than floating above it

While transcending our experience can sometimes help us get in touch with the bigger picture, overusing white light frequency has some serious downsides. Learn more about those and what to try instead in this post.

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What is energy work?
Sophie Teubert Sophie Teubert

What is energy work?

And how can it support you?

Everyone has their own perspective on working with energy and which energies to engage with. Allow me to share mine, drawing from years of experience working with clients, discussing results, benefits, and dispelling misconceptions.

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Illuminating Trauma-Driven Spirituality
Sophie Teubert Sophie Teubert

Illuminating Trauma-Driven Spirituality

From magical thinking to magical living

Spirituality can enrich our lives beyond measure, but like every potent medicine, it can become an addiction. An addiction that masks parts of ourselves and our reality which need to be engaged with if we want to experience embodied connection, healing, and magic.

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Healing Sibo, chronic Fatigue syndrome and more…
Sophie Teubert Sophie Teubert

Healing Sibo, chronic Fatigue syndrome and more…

10 Beliefs that kept me sick and in a healing loop.

Heal naturally and sustainably by shifting what you belief about yourself and life and how you act on these beliefs. Supplements, dieting, cleanses etc. are only helpful when they appear organically in your personal reality after you've transformed what made you sick.

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50 Shades of Healing
Sophie Teubert Sophie Teubert

50 Shades of Healing

What does “holistic” even mean and is it better than just taking some ibuprofen?

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