Moons &

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Orbits Around the Full Moon – Coming Up:

Full moon + lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17/18th of September

Themes of the transmission:

Sacrifice: An ancient practice that still holds power. It involves making something sacred by embracing polarity and human limitations, thereby inviting Divine support into our chosen commitments.

The Inherent Okayness of Not Being Happy All the Time: Exploring why constantly chasing joy and happiness as the guiding force of our lives may not necessarily lead to a life that feels meaningful to you.

    1. Working with Your Crown: Own your authentic connection to your path and Divine guidance.

    2. Exploring the Sacral and Throat Connection: What comes alive in the link between your emotions and the expression of your flexible identity

    3. Cleansing Your Concept of Happiness: Revisiting programs and projections around mood.

    4. Inviting Earth Sign Energies: Inviting the grounding forces of the current grand trine in Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus to support your authentic commitments.

  • My work focuses on curiously exploring what blocks desired experiences from entering our lives, instead of pushing for outcomes. We address programmed beliefs, ancestral patterns, thought forms, emotional residues, survival loops that limit our nervous system's capacity, energetic focal points that drain us...

    Then, we envision and collaborate with supportive energies: the spirits of nature, archetypes, treasures from our subconscious,...

  • If you want to participate, all you need to do is join my newsletter using the form at the beginning or the end of this page.

    Each moon letter is sent a few days before the full moon, giving you time to prepare your practice or ritual.

    I offer various “orbits” (levels) each month for different desires, depths, and capacities. You can choose how deep you want to go. If you’re busy, one orbit can still help create more flow and invite new experiences—sometimes, a little goes a long way.

  • All moon letters assume a basic understanding of energy work practices. This knowledge can be acquired by reading my free Foundations PDF, which you can find here.

Energy work meets Tarot for the Wheel of the Year

Attune to the Earth's movement around the sun and the grand play of archetypes it sets in motion.

Although the seasons change every year, this timeless spectacle continues to inspire us. It stirs our souls and moves our cells, connecting us with our own rhythms. It reminds us that it’s okay for things to end, to be still, to be loud, or forceful.

Melancholy is as valuable and welcome as hope and exuberance. This cycle links us with other life forms, those who lived before us and adapted to the same changes, as well as those who will come after and experience their own versions of these transformations.

    • Tarot Reading covering predictions for the season & practical insights for daily life

    • Reflections on the current energies.

    • Energy Work Invitations

  • If you want to participate, all you need to do is join my newsletter using the form at the end of this page.

  • As with the moon letters, a basic understanding of energy work practices is required. You can find this information here.