What is energy work?

And how can it support you?

The author walking through a lush field of wheat.

1. What is energy work (for me)?

Everything in life possesses an energetic dimension—a specific vibration carrying information. We gain access to this information through active introspection, by examining our relationship with it. We can only ever perceive a thing from our specific vantage point. So by examining our vantage point and then tracing the line that connects us to the thing, we can ascertain how that thing fits into our life, how it influences us and what it means to us. (Practical example will be presented below.)

Interacting with information in that way allows us to:

  1. Examine it closely.

  2. Eliminate unwanted bits of information.

  3. Add new information to it in order to produce a desired outcome.

Consequently, engaging with energy empowers us to:

  1. Acquire new insights on a subject.

  2. Modify the underlying dataset of the subject.

Discovering something previously unknown offers us the chance to alter our behavior.

By observing vibrational pattern of our aura in relation to a specific desire, we can discern which aspects hinder its realization and which align with it. We can then refine our behavior by addressing these specific aspects rather than fruitlessly pursuing our desire without internal adjustments.

Example: Pursuing a job that allows for greater creative expression

What we’re conditioned to do:

Physical: Applying for hours every day, perfecting our resume, networking, taking courses, polishing our LinkedIn profile, etc.

Spiritual: Visualizing ourselves in the desired job, creating a vision board, using affirmations that state that we already have the job, etc.

(Nothing wrong with these, but they will remain fruitless unless we look at our internal configurations)

Introspective approach:

Exploring what we might find in the body/aura when introducing the specific frequency of the desired job:

  • Fear of losing a significant relationship once we update our ability to authentically express ourselves — manifesting as brain fog and fatigue whenever we try to figure out our next step towards changing our profession.

  • Karma with our father who unsolicitedly “sacrificed” his own creativity for the family.

  • Emotional cords with our grandmother who wishes for our safety by encouraging a job she understands — hindering our ability to see other opportunities.

  • Frozen, encapsulated energy from when we presented a painting in 3rd grade and the teacher who we looked up to didn’t pay attention, leaving pain and shame stuck in our system – blocking different experiences where we are valued for creative output from our reality

  • Cords with an older sibling who was "the hero" of the family, preventing us from outgrowing her and upsetting the family dynamic.

  • A contract from a past lifetime that binds us to boring, low-risk work due to life threatening punishment for expressing our truth.

  • An agreement limiting our power due to fear of having more money and power after witnessing how money and power corrupted people in our close environment—manifesting as sensitivity to certain foods that would energize us (like carbs).

These are just a few examples from my practice.

So, how could we adjust our behavior knowing that? We could take responsibility for our experience by:

  • Actively working with the energy of what we have found by clearing unwanted information and adding more congruent information.

  • Taking appropriate physical action based on our new dataset: perhaps having difficult conversations, setting boundaries, exploring new environments, honing certain skills that were previously inaccessible due to our internal resistance, etc.

  • Letting go of conditioned victimhood narratives: "I don’t get the job because the economy is so bad, because I’m too stupid, because I didn’t write enough applications, because the creative market is like a shark pool, because I didn’t go to grad school"—which frees up vitality that we can redirect constructively towards our life.

This process opens us up for much more flow and presents new insights and opportunities that simply couldn’t enter our reality due to all the energetic barriers that were installed before.

To summarize, energy work involves perceiving the subtle energies underlying everyday life and actively addressing them through streamlined energetic and physical actions.

2. What happens during an energy work session with me?

In an energy work session, we begin by establishing optimal receptivity by regulating the nervous system, grounding, centering, releasing resistance, and owning of the body and energetic space.

Next, we pinpoint what to focus on. This often entails discussing an issue to uncover its root cause or to identify your genuine needs and desires in the situation. It’s akin to determining the best search keywords for optimal results on Google.

Subsequently, we examine the energies active in your space concerning the topic at hand. This process resembles sifting through Google's search engine results page, which displays various sites connected to our search keyword.

We can then hone in on specific energies, much like clicking on links to access individual websites, and engage with them using various energetic tools for clearing or modification.

Finally, we allow the appropriate course of physical action to organically emerge from this process.

Painting of a comet in the sky from 1552

Augsburger Wunderzeichenbuch, c. 1552 by Heinrich Vogtherr or Hans Burgkmair

3. What are the benefits of working with energy in that way?

While the benefits can be manifold, diverse, and sometimes surprising, there are several very likely outcomes:

  • Improved health and vitality in the body. Symptoms decrease and transition away from a chronic state, while a connection with the body and its language is re-established.

  • Enhanced coherence within our system: It feels as though conflicting parts of ourselves align more harmoniously, whether it's the body versus the mind, the mind versus the heart, self-sabotaging tendencies, addictive behaviors, or coping mechanisms that hinder us.

  • Increased flow: We discover ourselves increasingly in the right place at the right time, connecting with the right people.

  • Healthier, more fulfilling relationships characterized by improved boundaries, greater compassion, and deeper intimacy.

  • Greater resourcefulness: We perceive every situation as more manageable, emboldening us to seek out experiences that once seemed too risky.

  • Heightened ability to perceive and resonate with timelines that feel authentic and fulfilling.

  • Improved capacity to recognize when we fall into old patterns or inadvertently take on others' emotional, physical and mental baggage.

4. What ailments/problems can energy work be used for?

Energy work operates on a fundamentally holistic principle, recognizing the intricate interconnection of all facets of existence. There is no hard separation between body, mind, life and the people in it.

By immersing ourselves in this profound energetic interconnectedness, we come to understand that healing the body is inseparable from addressing relational dynamics, financial constraints, and other barriers. Likewise, healing our relationships may entail exploring old pain in the body or updating our connection with the earth.

5. What can I clear on my own, and when can I benefit from working with a practitioner?

Working with energy is an innate process, accessible to all rather than reserved for a select few initiates. It's not something we can (and should) gatekeep.

Everyone has the capacity to engage with their own energy. Our subconscious effortlessly manages, adjusts, and communicates with our energetic configurations daily. Even without formal guidance, anyone can explore their energy body in a playful and intuitive manner.

While working with a practitioner doesn't empower one to address their own energy, it proves invaluable when confronting complex issues that are challenging to track independently.

This support is particularly beneficial in situations characterized by deep-seated pain and resistance, which often hinders access to crucial information. Moreover, when chronic symptoms have already manifested in the body, there's often a complex interplay of different energies that haven't been addressed for a long time. This complexity can be perplexing when navigating it alone.

Thus, engaging a practitioner isn't solely about acquiring energetic techniques, as these resources are readily available in books and online. Instead, it's about having someone facilitate the process, create space, and maintain a neutral, grounded, and compassionate presence while supporting the navigation of the intricate web of energies that comprise our life's blueprint.

6. A common misconception about working with energy

At times, there's a perception of two seemingly distinct paths: one grounded solely in outward-focused actions, such as working long hours, following prescribed routines, how-tos, and striving relentlessly towards our goals.

The other path is often portrayed as a spiritual alternative: simply manifesting our ideal life, breaking internal barriers, and effortlessly fulfilling every desire.

While the concept of working with intangible forces is sometimes exploited by selling people salvation fantasies, attuning to the underlying energetic currents of reality is certainly not an escape from life's mundane responsibilities. Nor is it a means to control reality into constantly granting our every wish.

Energy work offers numerous benefits and is profoundly magical, but it's no quick fix.

Engaging in energy work doesn't exempt us from the necessity of learning to care for ourselves, navigating challenging relationships, or the perseverance required to pursue our goals. It doesn't diminish our humanity, nor does it alter the inevitabilities of occasional emotional valleys, challenging initiations, and mortality. Love, care, compassion, discipline, and resilience remain essential in cultivating the life we desire.

Energy work serves as a shortcut, but not in the sense of evading difficult tasks.

Rather, it clears away unnecessary obstacles and stagnation creating space for what truly matters to us and fulfills us the most.

While it won't eliminate every life struggle, energy work can greatly ease suffering, invite genuine miracles, infinitely enrich our experience, and deepen our connection to ourselves, others, and life itself. This journey is far more fulfilling than seeking to erase challenging emotions or bend reality to our will.

If you're intrigued by creatively engaging with the subtle energies shaping your life, feel free to schedule a free connection call with me. Together, we can explore how I might best support you.


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