
Anna Ray, UK:

I am able to walk further without pain, spend more time with friends, and do more around the house. I am more able to be more present with symptoms and difficult emotions, rather than distract or avoid when they arise. I have less resistance to using the tools and strategies that I know are helpful. Overall, I feel more clarity and a stronger sense of discernment.

I was surprised at how well contained I felt both during the sessions and after. Often, after working on difficult things in a session with a coach or counsellor I can feel quite raw and jangled, but I didn’t experience this with Sophie at all. I always felt better after a session with her and felt like we always did just the right amount of work together. I was also surprised at how intuitive Sophie was. Being new to this work, I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was frequently impressed at how spot on Sophie was about things.

Sophie is direct, honest, kind, and deeply intuitive. She has a real talent for this work, and for identifying and dissolving the blocks that stop you living a fuller life. Sophie works with you at your own pace and within your capacity. I was a bit worried about not knowing what might happen in a session, and if I would manage to do the work for a 90 min session, but she made it clear that we could stop at anytime, and we never had to go any further than I was comfortable with. I never felt like I had pushed my limits after a session and I always felt very well held by her.

I am more independent than I was, and am making more plans for the future such as applying for volunteering positions locally as a step back into work.

Laura Seward, UK:

I went into this process with Sophie with very little experience of this type of psycho-spiritual energy work, having been on a spiritual journey working/ connecting with many healers and shamans over a number of years. I had a lot of scepticism but meeting Sophie I felt instantly at ease, safe, seen and held. She has an incredible ability to meet you exactly where you’re at, keep you in the drivers seat, whilst also guiding you through an individually tailored practice taking you to the heart of what needs acknowledging/ releasing. I learnt so much, energetically, spiritually, cognitively, emotionally and practically, particularly in terms of recognizing when I’m enmeshed with the energy of others, and learning tools I can use to separate/ let go of these.

I absolutely love Sophies no-bullshit approach, getting to the work making every minute count, challenging where necessary whilst holding a beautifully safe, gentle space, with honesty, love and compassion. She pretends to be nothing other than human, is deeply humble with her knowledge and expertise, as well as being skillfull and incredibly intuitive in her approach….

I also appreciated her full embodied presence at all times. For anyone who is unsure about this process I would say to trust your gut, feel into it, you don’t have to be spiritual or really believe in the process for it to have a positive impact, whatever emerges will likely be something significant.

I would (and will) confidently recommend Sophie to my clients, friends and family alike and will definitely work with her again, she is a rare and true gem in a world being saturated by ‘healers’ at the moment…..

Kayla Morris, US:

My chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and pain, and shortness of breath have decreased in intensity: While my fatigue used to last for 3 weeks, now due to the process it's just an hour.

I now have more awareness of my feelings/emotions/traumas and the physical symptoms they can cause.

I was surprised how intuitive Sophie is, and how strong some of my emotions were. I was also surprised that after working through an issue in a session, I had relief from some of my physical symptoms.

Sophie is very kind and careful with going at your pace, and checks in regularly to see how you are feeling. She has your best interest at heart and is determined to help you. After working with Sophie, I feel like I have a lot more tools to help me work through issues that come up every day. Whether it's related to past traumas or new problems, I have a set of tools that can help. I also feel like I can be a better mom because I'm more aware of how my actions can effect my children and how they might internalize things.

Helen Henry, US:

After working with Sophie, I can see that I'm experiencing more control in/of my life.

The power of my mind surprised me. If more people knew about the power within us, we would see major changes in society.

I now know how to process the energy around me. I no longer ruminate! I have control!

This experience has only validated my power. I am capable of so much. I feel a path forward and this is new for me.

Ashley K., Germany:

I was initially attracted by Sophie’s message of exploring energy readings in a “grounded and analytical” way, because that is the sort of person I am - grounded and analytical. I don’t often see these phrases used in energy work, so it piqued my curiosity.

Sophie’s method of using personal symbols and metaphor as a diagnostic tool, as well as presenting steps for moving past blocks in order to actualize your goals, signaled to me a very holistic and well-rounded approach.

I found Sophie herself to be a resplendently welcoming energy. I felt immediately at ease by her clear and concise communication and management of expectations, both before and throughout the reading. During the reading, I was surprised by the sheer volume of information that came through, but also at Sophie’s ability to connect the dots and contextualize the information with insights from her own symbology and experience.

I am grateful for the time she took with me to digest the possible meanings and suggest concrete actions which I could take to harness the best of myself going forward, in light of the information coming through.I was especially surprised by the energy reading — I have never had one of these before, and it related very accurately to my lived experience and aspects I have struggled with for years.

Sophie gave me some new insights as to how the energy centers interact and compensate for one another, and for the first time I have a much deeper understanding as to where I have been blocked, where I have been too open, and tools for how to regulate and protect my energy. Sophie demonstrated immense talent, patience and grace. I would be honored to have another session with her anytime and am eager to recommend her to my friends so they too can explore their personal mythology more deeply with the powerful introspective tools that Sophie offers.

Maria Santodomingo, Germany:

My experience with Sophie was truly awakening and transformative. She is very professional, and her approach to energy work is quite detailed. I felt like in each session I was receiving a lot of information. Since the beginning, I felt very safe and free to express my innermost reflections and feelings, always receiving a very grounded and wise perspective.

I learned a lot in our sessions together, and it is truly amazing the processes that started to unfold in my life as our 10 sessions were taking place. I appreciate all the different techniques that Sophie taught me and that are now accompanying me on my journey. I hope I can come back to have sessions with her in the future and keep learning about energy work, which, in my opinion, is one of the most direct ways of transformation. Thank you always!

Alan Egedy, Germany:

Everyone should do a reading with Sophie at least once in their life. She saw my whole existence in a very profound way, and with a unique technique and approach, my soul was metaphorically turned inside out, providing me with several meaningful knowledge and insights about myself that will direct me to the best version of myself.

During our life, wounds are created, and most of them aren’t healed, and some we aren’t even aware of...On my reading I was fortunately able to put an eye on those. Sometimes we need a perspective from someone like Sophie to be fully able to see ourselves, and I couldn’t recommend this reading enough.

Luisa Jung, Deutschland

Sophie ist sehr angenehm und spricht klar und grade heraus. Sie arbeitet nach vorne gerichtet und zielorientiert und das mit einer angenehmen Leichtigkeit. In meiner Sitzung habe ich gemerkt, dass sie nicht einfach erlernte Methoden nach Schema F anwendet, sondern sich wirklich auf mich "einspürt".

Ich habe mich während der Sitzung sehr sicher gefühlt. Die entsprechenden Lösungen und Handlungsempfehlungen legt sie deutlich dar, sodass direkt entsprechend gehandelt werden kann. Sophies Readings sind kein Esoterischer Quatsch sondern eine wirklich gute und professionelle Beratung. Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese besondere Hilfe.