About me & my work

Healing, to me, extends far beyond the mere absence of symptoms.

It is about expanding our capacity to create magic daily: to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and beings, and to act on that awareness.

Magic is rooted in the integration of our many selves, our many contradictions and idiosyncrasies. Each little part gets to breathe fresh air, dance in the rain, share a delicious meal with inspiring company, and bask in the light of sun and moon.

As an eclectic psychospiritual practitioner with a background in academic philosophy, I draw from a range of systems and modalities. I’m a licensed holistic healing practitioner specializing in Western energy work. Above all, I offer a safe space for your authentic essence to lead the healing process.

  • If you’ve arrived here, it’s likely that you’ve already explored other paths—perhaps those promising more comfort, safety, and belonging.

    And, you’ve likely discovered that in this universe, true safety and belonging come solely from being present and in direct relationship with yourself and everything in your life.

    You may have learned, perhaps the hard way, that your way forward is to trust your own guidance system. This involves choosing genuine peace (not just pleasing others), authentic compassion (not over-giving, rescuing, or avoiding), and real abundance (the never ending well of resources that each moment offers, rather than overachieving, hoarding, or dismissing your needs).

    You are committed to facing fear and scarcity with presence and understanding, rather than making them your gods.

  • Living in harmony with our many parts involves expanding our capacity to creatively conceptualize a human life while becoming comfortable with the unknown and the unexplored. 

    Acting magically, with an awareness of interconnectedness and consequence, often means gently imprinting “unlikely” patterns onto the fabric of our personal and collective realities.

    These patterns are unlikely, not because they push for extremes—like an instant miracle cure, winning the lottery, or manifesting a utopia without contrast—but because they unapologetically create openings in time and space that are uniquely ours. These openings honor all parts of us without asking the impossible of our bodies, without relying on daily drugs and crutches, and without adding to the confusion or strain on our planet and its various inhabitants.

    “Unlikely”, because this path is not easy, nor is it the default. The odds still seem stacked against a life built on real intimacy with self and others. Yet, history offers no shortage of templates that show it is possible.

    And there is no better time than now.

  • I came into this life with a karmic cocktail that made it impossible for me to end up anywhere but here—my fair share of trauma, the isolation of being autistic and highly sensitive, chronic illness, and an intimate acquaintance with loss from an early age. Finding a way to live that made sense to me was not just a choice, but a necessity for survival.

    I enjoy metaphysical play that is grounded in 3D experience.

    I’m passionate about evolving, fluid routines that give life both meaning and flow. I believe freedom is found in meaningful structure, not in the absence of it.

    I practice authentic service from a place of fullness, and aligned productivity that honors the body, respects those who share our lives, and protects the earth.

    I am captivated by cycles and sequences—whether they be the changing seasons, the archetypal phases of evolution, or the hormonal rhythms of our bodies.

    I love traversing landscapes of belief systems and matrices, playing and experimenting with them, bending probabilities, and going beyond conditioned defaults.

    And, I find lots of joy in the company of cats and a good cup of Earl Grey tea, with milk and sugar.

  • Understand your Bodymind

    Revisiting stories, beliefs, and behavioral patterns around disease, symptom and self-efficacy narratives

  • Humaning

    Examining and reclaiming physicality in the basics of life: nutrition, sleep, movement, breath, and rest

  • Safety

    Re-associating with the body and the environment. Reclaiming the birth right of being held and supported by earth and sky.

  • Flow with ease

    Updating emotional metabolism, so that it doesn’t get into the way of experiencing life in the present.

  • Generative power

    Learning to practice self-responsibility and co-creativity through self-compassion and inner resources

  • Feel yourself

    Assessing the health and direction of your willpower and boundaries

  • Cords & Contracts

    Examining energetic relationship dynamics with early attachment figures and significant protagonists in your life

  • What's meant for you

    (Re-)connecting with your unique way of expression, decision-making, and manifestation

  • Belief-system hygiene, psychic abilities, and connection to guides and deep self


    Establishing belief-system hygiene, cultivating psychic abilities, and connecting to guides and Deep Self